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We are a small online business located in the heart of the Rooibos country, Clanwilliam.

We have so much more than just rope tack to offer. Being one of the lucky owners of a laser cutting machine we can custom make almost anything to your specifications when it comes to laser cutting & engraving.

All of our products are handmade on order by owner, Nicolene.

Feutured Products

The Tamzyn | Perspex Stable Name Board
Round Name Tags
Rope Halter & Lead Set | Seabreeze

Where it all began
HQ pony magazine #25 - December 2011, had a section 'how to make a rope halter'

I struggled for days with the simple article, frustration had me on my toes! and eventually I made a halter with ski rope.

Few days after my ski rope attempt I was in a local store with my mom, I asked her to buy me one of those green with yellow / white specks polyester rope, she laughed at me and asked what I wanted to do? at first she refused to buy it, but typical kid went on going and got her piece of rope, by that time I was only 12 years old.

I was very impressed with my brand new handmade halter, grandpa had to do a photo shoot of me and my 1st pony Lucky.

Days past and I thought why not start advertising this? My business started off in December 2011 as Rope Halters by Nicolene

My first order was 4x green with white / red specks rope halters for a lady that wanted to use it at her wedding.

Time passed and my business grew, now we have so much more to offer than just rope halters.